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What are people using their mobiles for?

When people are browsing on their mobile phones (which is becoming much more common these days), it’s important to know exactly what they’re searching for.

 According to a recent study,

31% of mobile device use is for business and company information. Can people locate information about your business or company easily?

30% of mobile device use is how to get to a business, which means you need to have easy to follow instructions on how to get to or locate your business.

20% of mobile device use is looking for social media information. People want to see if you have a Facebook or Twitter account listed on your mobile website.

12% of mobile device use is looking to shop or purchase products. They could be looking for your business as well.

7% of mobile device use is miscellaneous or other searches.

People need to be able to obtain your information relatively easy when using a mobile device which is why owning a mobile website is critical for any business! The majority of searches on mobile devices are people looking for specific company information, which means if they can’t find your information, you might have lost a potential customer.

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